Hundreds of Marathoners Get Lost on Lower Wacker Drive
By: Ari Loundy
Photo by: Alex Peters
The Chicago Marathon hit a hiccup this weekend, after a large group of runners got lost after turning onto Lower Wacker Drive.
While not a normal part of the marathon route, it was added this year to give the event some more “character.’
“As soon as I entered Lower Wacker, the route disappeared. I kept running, looking for the next turn, but no matter how far I ran, every sign said it was 500 yards ahead,” said Jason Derrick. He then said that when the right turn finally arrived, the path seemed to lead him straight into the Chicago River.
Even after volunteers started passing out large maps, the damage was done, with many runners having their times irreversibly delayed. Six runners, 3 volunteers, and a rescue team are still unaccounted for.
This is not the first time Lower Wacker drive has waylaid a large event. Most famously, the 2003 St. Patrick’s day parade vanished after accidentally going into Lower Wacker, only to resurface two days later. In addition, a high profile prison transfer also almost went awry after a traffic accident rerouted it underground back in 2008.
The organizers have promised not to include Lower Wacker Drive in the Marathon route next year, unless Waze prompts that it would be more efficient.