Now the world is your popsicle! Here are ten things you can lick once you get your second dose:
Overall, we would recommend the kit if you literally have money to burn. Like, if you’re already burning your money, this would potentially be a better use of it. From all of us at the Machine, have a great new year!
Congratulations! Despite years of history repeating itself, asking out your Valentine’s day crush did not end in a night of shower-crying. Now comes the hard part: you actually have to follow through and be interesting. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here are 5 of Chicago’s best first date locations that may or may not all be the Nutella Cafe.
According to local news stations, a young girl attending a Beyoncé concert has made history by accidentally discovering a universal cure for all forms of cancer.
The webinar plans to cover those topics that new parents fear most: changing diapers, talking about love, and resisting the allure of a billion dollar soul sucking music label.
Wilson, a 4th generation asshole ever since his Great-Great Grandfather pushed a pregnant woman out of the way to get a better spot in line at Ellis Island, has found it harder and harder to find legitimate reasons to be a verbally abusive butthole to people.
"No bueno my dude," said Milo Sheppard of Wicker Park. "I do not kick push anymore, this is going to be a gnarly adjustment," he continued, showing signs of one of the early stages of grief and loss.
Let Madame Mustardini reveal to you the things you've always known to be true; each star sign has a favorite type of porn
After searching for 24 hours, the friends received a call from Ditka, who was in the West Palm Beach jail. When they picked him up, they saw he had a new Florida Gator tattoo, a mullet, and no recollection of the past day.
3. Milk ol’ Betsy - Ol’ Betsy aint gonna milk ‘rself and neith’r is that silly little contraption o’yers. Now git to it!