“We’ll Get Through This Together,” Says Man to His Delivered Italian Beef

By Daniel Stillman


CHICAGO, IL - In a beautiful sign of unity amid the COVID-19 crisis, Lakeview resident Doug Curtis said to his delivered Italian beef from Al’s Beef, “We’ll get through this together.”

Although the meat juice directly hit his shirt after one bite, the defiance of Curtis is admirable.

“You know in these hard times, you have to be united wherever you can and that’s something I’m trying to do despite being alone and 36 years old,” said Curtis. “I have to support small businesses during this tough time and that small business is my piehole.”

So Curtis stepped up and did the only thing he knew how, and that was to order an italian beef from Al’s at 3 a.m. Curtis knows in order to beat coronavirus and flatten the curve, everyone has to play their part and he is calling on other Chicagoans to play their part in combating the disease together.

“I’m urging everyone to not only stay home, but to order as many Italian beefs as you can,” said Curtis. “This is how we’re going to beat this, not with science, but our mouths. I can’t cure the coronavirus, but what I can do is order an italian beef at 3 a.m. and get it delivered to me within 25 minutes. What are you going to do Chicago?”

Even after the virus has been cured, Curtis already claims he’s going to still get beef delivered at 3 a.m., just in case it comes back.

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