Woman Orders Three Chicago-Style Hotdogs to Demonstrate Community Spirit

By Ed Pommelnu


CHICAGO - Upon entering the line at Byron’s, a legendary hot dog joint, area woman Jennifer Norton took her next step towards embodying Chicago's spirit by ordering three hot dogs at the same time.

“I’ve lived here in Chicago, in Wrigleyville actually, for over a year,” she told the Machine. “And I realized that this town has really grown on me. Really made a mark on who I’ve become as a person. I’m proud of where I’m from, and not being afraid to show people who you are and what you represent is really important. So that’s why I bought two more hot dogs than usual.”

Norton reportedly remained undeterred after the cashier warned her that they "make 'em on the bigger side" at Byron's. “I thought, 'What, do I look like a tourist?' But I took a deep breath, remembered nothing should overpower pride of place, and simply said, 'Give me 3 with everything - including the hot peppers."

After receiving her hot dogs, Norton took to social media to share her inspiring meal with the world, and it instantly made waves.

"What a remarkable and uplifting order Norton placed,” said Vienna Beef CEO James Booman. "Whenever somebody walks into a restaurant and shamelessly orders 3 hot dogs, we know she's a true Chicagoan.”

At press time, Mayor Lightfoot was en route to Norton’s condo to award her a key to the city.

LocalMachine Staff